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Social and User Needs
Today, the number of OPHs in the 50s in Korea is surging. Despite the fact that most of them live in difficult circumstances, they are not enjoying the benefits of appropriate welfare from the state. Thus, they suffer from various problems ranging from basic problems such as unbalanced eating and drinking to 'breaking with the world'. These things made them more and more isolated, and eventually, the suicide rate of the male OPH in their 50s increased significantly.
Inspiration from Nature
Using nature and the self organization concept as inspiration we were able to tailor down our user needs and provide them a solution which is feasible and self organizable. As nature, we will deliver a solution which will evolve and adapt to its user needs. As a seed that falls on the ground and sprouts a tree our service will grow accordingly to its use and conditions.
Design Opportunitinies
On our research we were able to identify various needs. However, most of them included money as a resource and value for the OPHs. Considering no support from government we decided to give value to the OPH stories and useit as a currency which will be received by orphans in need.