For People who are eating alone which have the need to not feel uncomfortable while eating alone, Oneat is an application which helps the user to find a better place to eat alone - based in rating, crowd, taste and price -, while providing a mood to do so.
My role on the project: Team leader and main responsable for the design.
Used tools : Sketch, Origami
For our research, we decided to use a Macro to Micro approach based on the Human Centered Design (HCD) principles and methodologies. First we started with a literature research to understand the trend of eating alone in South Korea. Then, we decided to define the scope in university scenario and the students eating habits.
We gathered demographic data using open and closed questions to trigger their feeling regarding the last meal they ate alone. From the wide open survey, we could see some demographic data and reflect over some assumptions we had as a team. The recruit was based mostly on UNIST students and the way we spread the questionnaire was online to chatting rooms and friends.
We first assumed people wanted to connect, however, our questionnaire showed something different: they were looking for more comfort while eating alone because they did not care about its surroundings perception. Thus, it required some more personal approach with Diary Studies.
From questionnaire and Diary Studies we could gather data from where our users eat. We went to those places to observe without them noticing. We noticed trends towards their behavior and how cellphones are a part of their eating habit. Observing people can be somehow difficult and uncomfortable. That was one of the reasons why we decided not to do a contextual inquiry. However, we feel like a video of the Eating Alone moment would be insightful and decided to “do it yourself”.
When we did observation at the convenience store, and cafeteria in Unist, we need more detailed behavior of user’s data. So, we tried observe ourselves eating alone. The trend we saw before, we could confirm with our team member video. We find the people’s habit that is common but couldn’t recognize before we observe the eating alone video. Most of eating alone users are eating while they are watching their phone for entertainment. They are not focusing on eating rather than they are more focus on the other problems.
Most of the news report the growing habit of eating alone. For instance, 96% of people in South Korea already experienced the trend. Together with it 55% of 혼밥 (Honbab) feel comfortable doing so. However, there is not that many solutions especificaly made for them. Normally they use other solutions and adapt to their contexts.
Full English Questionnaire
Full Korean Questionnaire
- Not focus attention on the user while using
- Make the eating experience more pleasant for people eating alone
- Make users feel like they are in their own world
- Be easy to use
- Take away frustration and other feelings while eating alone
- Bring meal to first place instead of second in the eating experience
- Create opportunity to share moments
- Customization (circumstance)
- Be able to adapt to persons routine
- Make “eating alone places” a better environment to be and not be so judged
- Make “eating alone places” more attractive to eat at
With a macro to micro approach in our user studies data we found out: (1) meal is secondary in the mealtime unless the taste is bad; (2) people use technology to create their own world and feel comfortable; and (3) eating alone is comfortable and university students don’t care about it, (4) however they still have a judging perception towards others who eat alone.
With this data, we were able to define design needs that can be achieved with the use of technology. Our team ideation is in the process but it is more likely we will go towards helping the user feel more comfortable towards others perception and give it an opportunity to enjoy more its own food.
The 3 of us decided to sit together with our user needs in hands. Armed with post its we started to split out ideas. We focused in quantity rather than quality for this stage. The later stage can be found on this picture where we started to check feasibility and its relationship with crowd x isolation and ways to make food primary instead of secondary
Simplified version of what we wanted to accomplish with our application.
After discovering the user flow we determined it would be an application that the user would get in and be able to activate the eating mode. Eating mode would be dedicated to make his eating primary with food being the main focus. As a result, the user would enter the app and be able to check his or hers profile, locations to eat alone nearby and start the eating alone mode. The eating alone mode would work with a flow of content based in different categories of interest based on our user research.
During the evaluation we were able to discover that our product ran away from the main characteristics we proposed. It was making the food even more secondary and just being an aggregator of content. We decided to take a step back and minimize even more the user behavior while redesigning the app from scratch. From the lo fi, we selected a few categories that would make eating more relaxing and focused.
From it, we decided to cut all the interactions which could be done while eating and focus only on things you can do with your phone without looking at the screen. The remaining categories became: nutrition, news and relaxing environmental sounds.