Murilo Marks Hennemann

UNIST Dormitory 302 – Creative Design Engineering
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Brazilian - 25 years old - Single

Who am I?

I am a young graduate student with a background undergraduate focused in multimedia design while my masters is focused in my interest with story telling, science fiction and technology. As someone that believe design and technology are not separated, instead two sides of the same coin, it is a given that they are intertwined in all projects I do.

As someone which lived in 3 different countries I could experience different kinds of jobs and cultures. From volunteer jobs while studying on a USA High School to a internship on Hyundai Advanced Design team. From those experiences I achieved some prizes, student leader while in USA (2009), excellence and merit scholarship from Korean Foundation for Promotion of Private School (KFPP - 2013) and the most recent one the participation with an article published for the 2017 Gwangju Bienalle.

If I lack in Korean language, I definitely make it up in motivation and dedication. I am willing to cross the world to achieve my goals. Not only willing, but doing so everyday living in Korea. Studying design. And now, asking for an opportunity to join and become a better designer, but more important, a better human being.

Work Experience

2014 - 2015 (Oct/Jul)

Business Intelligence Intern @ Rafti Ltda. - Brazil

At Rafti, I worked in home office with the Marketing and Business intelligence area researching meaningful data and using it in the decision making process for our brand and ecommerce construction, mostly related to the planning area. For work I like to use design thinking methodology in order to enhance results and visualize processes.

2014 July (1st to 31st)

Summer Internship @ HYUNDAI Motor Group - South Korea

My task in Hyundai was to create and design a conceptual car UI and UX. The idea and layout, with the animation, are in ownership of the Hyundai Motors Advanced Design Group and in order to show it is necessary to ask permission.

2014 Jan - February

Winter Internship @ UBINURI - South Korea

My tasks in Ubinuri were to create and design an application and develop researches over Brazilian mobile marketing and gaming marketing. The application developed name is Travelers First Aid.

2013 - 2013 (Jan/Jun)

Social Media and Tv Reporter @ TV Unisinos, Unisinos - Brazil

My responsibility was to produce, write and host a part of a TV show called Conectados and to produce Social Media engagement and reports related to it.

2011 - 2012 (Oct/Dec)

Digital Sector Internship @ Agexcom - Unisinos - Brazil

In Agexcom I was in responsible for web related projects, web developing, digital planning and web design. One of my main projects there was, which I presented to over 100 students in Unisinos and a website created with Wordpress made for Instituto Laserca which UNISINOS bought from Agexcom later.

Education and Qualification

2017 - 2018 Master's Degree

UNIST – Creative Design Engineering

Expected to graduate from Masters on Creative Design Engineering and current member of the Healthcare Design Laboratory.

2011 - 2015

Universidade do Vale do Rio do Sinos - UNISINOS

Graduated from the Department of Digital Communications.

2013 - 2014

Hanyang University - ERICA Campus

Department of Multimedia Design - Exchange Student.

2012 - 2012

Peking University - Summer Program Exchange Student

Peking University exchange student in one month via Santander Top China 2012.

2009 - 2010

Central Bucks West High School in USA - High School Exchange Student

10 months as a High School Exchange student at Central Bucks West - PA via Youth For Understanding at United States of America in 2009/2010.

Awards & Honors

2014 - Mar

Award for Outstanding Research and Performance

This award, given by KFPP (Korean Foundation for the Promotion of Private School) em Seoul, was a prize for the best 3 grades and results in the Science without Borders program, being given only to the top 3 students of the program.


Student Leader @ High School (Central Bucks West)

I received this Honor due to my dedication to the school extra curricular activies and towards the community with voluntering services at the hospital, nursing houses and others.