From 2011 to Now
Murilo Past Projects
Here we will see other projects which I developed during my life as an intern, undergraduate and later on masters student.
Used tools : Adobe Suite, Final Cut, Sketch, Sublime 3.0, ... I never had any problem to learn softwares. As long as there is time, I can learn it. :)
2017 - Master's Student @ UNIST
Spotlight - Sustainable Service-Product Design
With Blindspot we wanted to provide a sustainable product-service design system towards the One Person Household male on their fifties using nature inspired design. To view this project I recommend accessing our final deliverable. The team was composed by 3 members and we all participated in the whole process as a team. I actually believe our synergy resulted in a work where we all can say our contribution is integrated and well delivered.
We developed a simple website to represent our concept and a booklet.

2017 - Master's Student @ UNIST
This is a project made for our Integrated Design Product class at UNIST. The main concept is to have an application integrated with an IoT pebble. The application work as a photo gallery, color picker and music player. With the pebble, the user can reflect the main colors from its images and play the sound - white noise - of when he or she took the photo. I made this project with a classmate.

2017 - Master's Student @ UNIST
3D Ruler
This is the project proposed for the SolidWorks course at UNIST. The main idea of this project is to have a ruler which would help to facilite the understanding and measure of 3D objects as a learning tool. It would help designers and engineerings to calculate objects. It has some flaws, however the idea and concept of it are quite interesting as an educational tool.

2014 - Intern @ Rafti
Methodologies Panel - in Portuguese
As an intern at Rafti I developed a methodologies panel aimed to make design, planning and administrative methodologies more understandable and used in the company. The company was investing in Scrum and Agile methods, therefore it was a good resource for internal meetings and creation process. Until today, I still use some parts of it.
This is the one used for the creation process with the amazing David Bowie. All the icons here are from thenounproject and it was ok to use in that context since it was only for internal communication and information.

2013 - Intern @ Hyundai Advanced Design Team
Hyundai Summer Internship
When I was a summer intern at Hyundai I had the task to develop a Heads Up Display interface. My idea was to make the in between of complete gestual interface and current trend - in 2013 - of small interactions of the car. After counting more than 100 buttons in a Hyundai Car I decided to minimize it to JoKKenPo which the drive could play with its car, creating its own sign language with the car.
Since the ownership of this project is from the company, I need previous request to display this project online.
2013 - Intern @ Ubinuri
UbiNuri Winter Internship
Ubinuri is a South Korean company which runs its own alternative to big application markets like App Store and iTunes. There we had the task to do market research and, in one month, to learn and design an application from Scratch. The result can be seen in this link. We were a team of 3 and we all learned all on the go.
The application can be found at the Playstore.
Here are some of the icons I developed for it.

2013 - Undergraduate Project
Our briefing for this class project was: what if Facebook goes offline and its users need a new social network?
As a team, we proposed 2Talk. 2Talk is a social platform which focuses on security and trust. Our concept was that you would only have in your network people which you give your number to. Therefore, it would make more secure for family interactions and use concepts of mobile first instead of the current ones - consider that the year was 2012.
When doing the final presentation our result was praised by the judges and we won the chance to have 2 hours of consulting at UNITEC, UNISINOS Technological Park to make the design feasible. However, we decided to not continue it.

2013 - Undergraduate Project
Hotel Salam
Unfortunately, this project is not being hosted by our course in Brazil. I am still trying to make them host it, but while I can’t here is the picture of the cast. In it we have a story telling process in which the user navigates through a murder in a hotel and tries to solve it. The project was executed by our whole class and we gathered national attention by social media. Some people thought we were part of the Hoppy Hari Amusement Park viral team.
The project consisted of the Social Profile of all the guests of the hotel on Facebook, and interactive website, 5 short videos for each of the characters.
I was one of the main responsible for the story telling of the whole history and copy write, besides my own character part.

2013 - Internship @ TV Unisinos
While I was working at TV Unisinos I was able to have, host, produce and conduct my own part of a TV show. As a boy that grow up watching MTV it was a dream coming true. Our team consisted of 3 people and I learned live television with the red light of the camera on. Live. It helped me to sharp my presentation skills and talking in front of a camera hugely.
2012 - Internship @ Agexcom
This was the first project that I actually did any task of web design. Not only that, but I also presented it as one of the planning leaders of the project. Unfortunately, the result did not came as fully expected due to our team technical limitations. As some of the other works in this list, I want to do a remake of it one day since I have a lot of passion and memories about this project.

2012 - Internship @ Agexcom
Logo Ovelha Producoes
During my internship at Agexcom - Unisinos - me and another coworker decided to gather up the agency and promote activities, like a radio and others. Just for fun. The results were quite nice, we were able to modify the youtube API to create a colective playlist and also do some events for the Agency. I did the logo as a joke, but we all really loved the result and until today it is one of my favorite logos.